
All bags are 1 pound each and you may purchase up to 12 pounds of any particular product. After adding the item to your shopping cart, you can specify the quantity there. Pricing is the same for whole bean & ground coffee.

If you wish to purchase more than 12 pounds of any particular product,
please email us for wholesale pricing.

Coffee Associates Gourmet House Blend

Purchase Coffee Associates Decaf Gourmet House Blend
for $9.99 per 1 pound bag


100% Colombian

Purchase Coffee Associates 100% Colombian Decaf
for $9.99 per 1 pound bag


Cafe Venice Espresso

Purchase Coffee Associates Cafe Venice Espresso Decaf
for $9.49 per 1 pound bag


Swiss Chocolate Almond

Purchase Coffee Associates Swiss Chocolate Almond Decaf
for $10.90 per 1 pound bag


Hazelnut Cinnamon

Purchase Coffee Associates Hazelnut Cinnamon Decaf
for $10.49 per 1 pound bag



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